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Ableton is now regarded as one of the best DAWs for music production. Its distinct features and workflow distinguish it as the best choice for EDM, pop, and hip-hop production. Ableton live 11 is released in 2021, with a slew of impressive upgrades, brand new features, and more.
Ableton Live 11 updates add a slew of new features, all of which build on the DAW’s existing strengths. Some new features, such as playlisting and comping, increase its versatility and make it more competitive with other big DAWs on the market.
Users of Ableton live 11 will be thrilled to see their favourite app get a major update in 2021!
Ableton Live 11 New features is a long and exciting list that includes:
1. Comping.
2. Connected track editing.
3. MPE support.
4. Speech editing.
5. Live tempo following.
6. Macro improvements.
7. Upgraded devices and sound packs.
8. Five new devices, including a hybrid reverb and a new pitch-shifting plugin.
9. Chance tools.
10. A slew of other Max for Live enhancements.
Here’s a quick ableton live 11 review of what’s new and the standout features:
Ableton had the foresight to upgrade a few of its stock instruments to provide MPE support as well. If you want to experiment easily, look for presets under “MPE Sounds” in the browser. MPE Control and Expression Control instruments are also included in Ableton’s MIDI Effects section. These allow you to specify how specific MPE functions should be used and map them quickly and easily. Even if the instrument you’re using doesn’t help it, MPE Control allows you to use some of the software available on an MPE controller.
Comping is the process of recording several takes of the same song segment without pausing and then combining the best sections. It also deals with audio and MIDI, so you can use it to nail a vocal, a guitar solo, or a complex chord progression with a VST. It’s also extremely simple to use. Each take is essentially a “clip” (a term familiar to Ableton users), and they’re grouped as take lanes underneath the main track in arrangement view.
You can connect a group of tracks so that any changes you make to one affects the others as well. This is useful for cutting up and automating double-tracked rhythm guitar sections, or if you want to edit a melody that is being played on both a piano and a synth at the same time.
This gives Ableton live 11 a lot of flexibility whether you’re editing a podcast or dealing with video and audio at the same time.
Mixing in music is all about creating the balance in your track. Left and right. High and low. Tension and release. When it comes to loudness, you have to work critically since no one likes super-loud mixes and dynamic mixes. There must be the right balance for your song. If music is too dynamic, it can be difficult to hear each note clearly, especially in spaces where no chance to adjust the volume. It can also be jarring for the listener to hear a big increase in volume out of nowhere.
Therefore, it is recommended to sound engineers that when mixing for maximum loudness or dynamics, try to find a middle ground between the two.
Ableton has now integrated it properly into its clip controls. You can either set the likelihood per note or randomise it through a group of notes all at once. Setting probability is done through a simple interface that works similarly to adjusting the velocity of a note. Besides, the probability of notes is randomised. You may change the order of the notes or the values in a macro rack.
In Ableton Live 11, there are a lot of new sounds and gadgets, but none have grabbed my attention quite like the Inspired by Nature pack. Six playful instruments and effects produced in collaboration with Dillon Bastan take their inspiration from natural and physical processes.
Variations are essentially macro presets that you can switch between at any time. I’ve used the redesigned Macro Rack a lot, which can now hold anything from one to sixteen keys. Previously, you were forced to use eight macro knobs regardless of your needs, which was unsightly if you only needed two and annoying if you required nine.
I couldn’t cover anything new in Ableton Live 11 in-depth without this being a literal novel. So here are a few more ableton live new features:
If you use Ableton regularly, the upgrade to Ableton Live 11 manual should be a no brainer. And if you’re new to Ableton Live 11, there’s never been a better time to get started with it. With each new update, it grows into a more universal tool that provides a robust music-creation environment worthy of the title of most popular DAW.
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